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Why are Extractioneering Extracts Carbonated?

Writer: Daniel Hayden PhDDaniel Hayden PhD

Updated: May 9, 2021

It's a protracted discussion, but we charge the resin with C02 prior to extraction. The C02 protects the molecules by binding to the exposed sites that would tangle molecules or oxidize during extraction. It also protects flavor sites and medically relevant sites on molecules that other extractions fail to do. When the extract finishes, it sloughs off excess C02 until it's balanced. When vaporized, the C02 further deploys and the user is able to taste a wider variety of molecules. The molecules then have an easier time individualizing and being absorbed and distributed in the body.

So the definition of Bioavailable.

If you're interested in more science we have it in pieces with our profile, but it's continuing to grow.

How do you charge Resin with C02 before Extracting?

We use a Co-Solvent process. The cosolvent performs a function that neither solvent can do alone. C02 is exposed to the material, (we source it from dry ice but presume the gas is sufficient.) It carbonates the resin and we extract with tri-blend. If you use C02 alone for extraction, it's not the same. Also, I'm not sure living resin can hold C02 the same way, but, that's another conversation.

I think some of the mystery might be that solid C02 turns to gas without going to liquid, but that the gas is kind of like a liquid in that it can soak substances and in this case, it soaks into the resin and it readily accepts it. But C02 won't melt the resin, the hydrocarbon must do that.

What are the other two solvents?

Triblend 50N/251/25P



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